Detecting Flood Damage & Prevention
“We’re seeing insurers pushing premium increases and deductible increases across the board due to poor insurance industry results…Condominium corporations are just one element of that…In some jurisdictions…it has been reported that [condo insurance] premiums have risen 780%…B.C. brokers report seeing some condo deductibles increase from $25,000 to $250,000 or even $500,000.” (Canadian Underwriter. (2020, March 2). Condo Coverage Crisis.)
Source: https://www.canadianunderwriter.ca/features/condo-coverage-crisis/))
Financial Implications
Flood damage repair costs have increased significantly over the last decade and negatively impact many areas of condominium operations and management. Supply-chain disruptions cause project delays and additional cost shocks and, more importantly, they prolong the disruptive living conditions of building occupants.
Mould remediation projects resulting from flood damage are exceedingly more labor intensive, far more costly and are not strictly limited to the building/unit structure. Unit improvements (governed by the condominium’s “standard unit by-law” clause) can greatly affect associated repair costs.
There are often additional costs associated with floods including: damage to the units’ contents, legal responsibilities and potential health implications posed to occupants and visitors.
Insurance Implications
Insurance companies have dramatically increased insurance policy premiums and flood deductibles to prevent policy holders from submitting claims for flood damage. The new reality is that multi-unit policy holders directly pay for flood claims to avoid higher insurance premiums and deductibles, which negatively impact the condominium reserve fund and increase condominium fees. FLOOD PREVENTION is money NOW well spent!

Leak and Flood Detection & Prevention
Layer-1: PoU Leak Detection & Prevention
(shut-off at the fixture/appliance layer)
This solution measures water flow and manages detection and shut-off at the fixture/appliance level inside each suite.
Layer-2: Flood Detection & Prevention
(shut-off at unit/zone layer)
This solution addresses the detection of water on the floor inside each suite (indicating the possibility of a flood). The shut-off is initiated at the water line entry point into each suite.
Layer-3: Flood Detection & Prevention
(shut-off Zone/Building layer)
This solution addresses the detection of water on the floor in all common areas such as mechanical rooms, elevator pits, sump pumps and electrical rooms; indicating the possibility of a flood which threatens to damage the building’s critical operational equipment infrastructure. The shut-off is initiated at strategically located areas in the building.
35 The Links Road, Suite 201
Toronto, ON, M2P 1T7